2016 • Sagetopia

Americans for the Arts' Annual Convention Branding & Collateral

Americans for the Arts (AFTA) is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. I was given the opportunity to develop the new event branding for AFTA's Annual Convention. The new look was designed to be used over three years.

AFTACON 2017 Look and Feel
AFTACON 2018 Look and Feel
AFTACON 2019 Look and Feel

The New Look

There were three main goals for the update: the first goal was to create a design that felt spontaneous and full of life, the second goal was to focus on art as a community, and the third goal was to showcase the public art in the host city.

Look and Feel Inspiration - Flow
Look and Feel Cover Sketch Exploration
Look and Feel Inspiration - Shapes and Patterns
Initial Look and Feel Cover Design
Initial Look and Feel  Cover Sketch

Direct Marketing Brochure

The direct marketing brochure was used to build awareness around the 2017 Annual Convention and was mailed to people all over the country.

Brochure Cover
Brochure Interior of Overview Spread
Brochure Interior Spread Highlighting Photo Layout
Brochure Sketches

Onsite Program

It was important that the onsite program was well organized so that attendees could easily find the information they needed but it was equally important to make it enjoyable to look at. I also worked with the printer to get estimates and review proofs to ensure the program was printed as expected.

Program Cover
Program Interior Spread - Welcome Letter and FAQs

Additional Collateral

Registration Booth
Prconference Plus Name Badge
Prconference Name Badge
Convention Name Badge
Full Convention Name Badge
Attendee Group Photo Attendees Looking at the Program
Speaker Bryan Stevenson at the Podium